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40.00 KD
Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER)

Unknown location
Cameras & Drones
Posted 2 months ago

40.00 KD
Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER)

Unknown location
Cameras & Drones
Posted 2 months ago


Contact: +965 9006 5317 (WhatApp only)

Pristine condition - no signs of use or scratches

Sale price KWD 40 original price KWD 90

Rokinon 8mm F2.8 UMC Fisheye Lens is a prime fisheye lens specifically designed for APS-C sized image sensors. Providing a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 12mm and full 180° angle of view, this lens is well-suited for creative applications as well as interior and architectural subjects. Its fast f/2.8 maximum aperture is further beneficial to working in low-light conditions.

Three extra-low dispersion elements and two aspherical elements have been incorporated into the optical design to minimize chromatic aberrations and distortion in order to produce sharper images. Additionally, the lens' design features a built-in lens hood and a UMC coating has been applied to the lens elements to reduce surface reflections and prevent lens flare and ghosting for improved light transmission and more contrast-rich imagery.

180° fisheye lens provides a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 12mm, making it ideally suited for interior and architectural subjects.
Fast f/2.8 maximum aperture benefits working in low-light conditions.
Three extra-low dispersion elements and two aspherical elements reduce chromatic aberrations and distortions in order to produce sharper images.
UMC coating improves light transmission and suppresses lens flare and ghosting for more contrast-rich, color-neutral images.
Built-in lens hood also helps to reduce lens flare and surface reflections.

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Dev Registered for 10+ months Last online 2 weeks ago
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    Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER) - 1
    Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER)
    40.00 KD

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    Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER) Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER) Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER) Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER) Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER) Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER) Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER)
    40.00 KD Rokinon 8mm F2.8 Compact Fisheye Lens (Sony E SILVER) by Dev