xThanks! That's very helpful

100.00 KD
Glare Kayak 1-Seater

Unknown location
Sporting Goods & Bicycles
Posted 3 years ago

100.00 KD
Glare Kayak 1-Seater

Unknown location
Sporting Goods & Bicycles
Posted 3 years ago


Got this kayak last year, used it a couple of times but have no space or use for it anymore. A couple of minor scuffs but is otherwise in excellent condition. Comes with a seat and oar (not pictured). Pick up only!

Contact Farah (seller)

    Glare Kayak 1-Seater - 1
    Glare Kayak 1-Seater
    100.00 KD

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    Glare Kayak 1-Seater
    100.00 KD Glare Kayak 1-Seater by Farah