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Baby stuff

Unknown location
Everything Else
Posted 4 years ago

Check with seller
Baby stuff

Unknown location
Everything Else
Posted 4 years ago


Selling infant/toddler stuff. All items in excellent condition and of best quality at less than half of the original price!

1. Graco travel system, includes stroller and infant car seat/carrier. KD 45

2. Neonato car seat. KD 25

3. Fizzy buggy stroller with rain shield. KD 20

4. Mothercare high chair with removable tray. KD 15

5. Juniors rocking chair. KD 5

6. Foldable safety bedrail. KD 8

7. 5 piece toilet set (tub, bowl, potty, step, toilet trainer), photo upon request. KD 10

Whatsapp 66020121

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    Baby stuff
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    1 active listings
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    Unknown location

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    Baby stuff Baby stuff Baby stuff Baby stuff Baby stuff Baby stuff
    Check with seller Baby stuff by Hadeel